Getting Setup

Step 1. Setup the expo

expo init machineLearningApp

Step 2. Install Expo-GL support GPU Accelerated backend support.

npm install expo-gl

Step 3: Install @tensorflow/tfs

npm install @tensorflow/tfjs

Step 4: Install @tensorflow/tfjs-react-native

npm install @tensorflow/tfjs-react-native

Step 5: Install the MobileNet Model. The mobilenet model was train to classify images into a 1000 categories. These categories ranges from Tiger sharks to street signs. You can find a complete list of classes here:

npm install @tensorflow-models/mobilenet

Step 6: Install other peerDependencies. The expo camera functionally is required by mobilenet.

npm install @react-native-community/async-storage

npm install react-native-fs

npm install expo-camera

For additional details refer to

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